I’m travelling quite a bit over these next few weeks:
- This week, from Tuesday 10th through Saturday 14th I’m in Brasilia to participate in CONSEGI and talk about open data.
- I’m then in Amsterdam from Sunday 15th through Tuesday 17th to participate in a workshop on Global Interoperability and Linked Data Workshop organized by Maura Marx and colleagues
- From Wednesday 18th through Friday 20th I’m in Budapest for an Open Data workshop being co-organized by the Open Knowledge Foundation / LOD2
- Finally on Saturday 21st I’m back in London to speak about OpenSpending at OpenTech
If you’re at any of these events (or are just located in any of these places) and are interested in open knowledge (data/content/etc) type stuff please get in touch!
Updates from the events: http://notebook.okfn.org/2011/05/19/reports-from-consegi-and-workshops-in-amsterdam-and-budapest/