I wanted to do a reverse proxy to wordpress.com in order to integrate an existing wordpress.com blog into an existing site. This turned out to be a little trickier than I’d thought due to wordpress.com’s usage of gzip deflation of their output.
Figured this out thanks to sound advice here and here:
<Proxy *>
Allow from .mysite.com
ProxyPass / myblog.wordpress.com
ProxyPassReverse / http://myblog.wordpress.com/
ProxyHTMLURLMap http://myblog.wordpress.com/ /
<Location />
SetOutputFilter proxy-html
# get rid of Content-Encoding at wordpress end
# To use this you'll need to do (on debian) a2enmod headers
RequestHeader unset Accept-Encoding
# Alternative method: inflate then deflate again ... (requires more effort at our end)
# Could NOT get this to work (though suggested by both reference sites!)
# SetOutputFilter INFLATE;proxy-html;DEFLATE